21 June 2008

Upload And Share Your PDFs with Google Docs

Been using Google Docs for quite sometime and had been very pleased with the features it has been providing. One thing that I had been hoping, though, is that it would soon support PDF files. This is so since there are so many PDF files that land in my inbox almost every so often, coming from official and personal mails alike. I would normally read PDF attachments, download them in my desktop and store them for future use. Not only that, I convert into PDF every reference I get to download, when I am researching on line, to make the information more electronically portable and handy. You can perhaps imagine how much load I am giving my friendly hard drive with this routine. I could easily save them otherwise by using optical disk or other forms of storage media, but I would rather store them where I have always access to them wherever I go even without my own computer around. That is why I have been waiting for Google Docs to support PDF upload, at least, to enjoy this convenience.

Finally, the long wait is over! Google Docs now officially supports PDF upload.

What a relief!

Wait, there is something more. The extension is not merely for uploading PDF files. It also allows you to view, print, collaborate and share the files just like any other Google Document in your account.

There are some limitations, however. Well, this is expected, I believe, for a new and handsome baby in Google Docs.

You can't download or open PDFs from Gmail directly into Google Docs. What you can do is upload PDFs from your PC or from the Web to Google Docs. You can then open them in Google Docs, and while you can't edit them, you can at least select text to copy and paste. Likewise, you can’t share to users who don’t have Gmail accounts at the moment, but I hope Google is busy brewing something on this.

Also, keep in mind that there are some limitations on allowable size and number of files when uploading your PDFs. You can store up to 10MB per PDF from your computer and 2MB from the web in your Docs list with up to 100 PDFs per account.

What do you think, folks? Will this be useful for you?

Don’t forget to share your thoughts.


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