By this time, you would have chosen the appropriate template for your blog, at least, from the list I provided in my previous post on
Blogger Template Directory. The next step after installing your chosen template is to compliment it with adornment such as web widgets to make your blogsite more attractive to your readers and visitors. Remember, aside from useful and unique content, your blog should be, more than anything else, remarkably appealing to the eyes so that readers would find enjoyment in every visit they make in your site.
Yes, an ensemble of applicable, useful and finely crafted widgets wrapped around your site will further add delicious quality in the appearance of your blog and thus would make it more attractive and entice your readers and visitors to keep on visiting it repeatedly. With repeated visits, you are super charging your site. In effect, you will increase your blog popularity.
So, what are you waiting for?
Grab a suitable widget from the list provided below and quickly garnish your blogsite.
Recent Comment/Post - Jackbook, Beta Blogger for Dummies & Widget-Based
Tag/Label Cloud - Phydeaux3, Frivolousmotion & Wilkinsons
Archive Calendar - Phydeaux3, Ecmanaut & Romkas
Web Counter - Sitemeter, Statcounter & Digits
Social Bookmark - Beautiful Beta, Elamb & All About Adsense
Photo Slider/Sharing - Flicker, Picasa & Rockyou
Search Box - Widgetbox, Technojuice & Yahoo
Popular Post - Webweaversworld, Affiliatebrand & Spotplex
Top Commentators - Gosublogger, D' Technology Weblog & Onewebsite
Poll - Tips for New Bloggers, Quimble & PollDaddy
Of course, I am not saying that these are the best widgets you can have. The list is just a guide that you can refer to start the ball rolling.
Now, if you still feel this list is not complete, you can also head to Blogger In Draft to avail of the latest gadgets that are 100% compatible with our very own blogspot.
Wait, you can also try a host of other cool widgets from Widgets Lab.
Again, my friends, if you like you can subscribe to my RSS feeds to receive Stitches™ updates at your convenience in your mailbox.